Words to Coaches…
For years I have taught youth to carefully choose people they listen to for instruction. I call these people “crucial others.” To qualify as a crucial other a person must have a proven track record (PTR), and be worthy of being imitated (WOBI). It is for the student, and the student alone, to determine if their father or mother, teacher or coach, friend or relative, is qualified to be a crucial other.
Though I became the first winning coach in history of basketball at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks at the tender age of 23; though I became the first head coach and established the Athletes in Action basketball team playing all travel games against many of America’s best; though I built NBC Camps into a multinational powerhouse basketball company, my life record, in basketball record terms, is marked with many heart breaking losses. Though I inherited a Samford University basketball program in shambles, I was able to elevate the program with respect and get the program into a conference. My records do not reflect the hard work, effort, and pain it took to be a first at each of these stops.
When you have purchased the Crowell Basketball Coaching System. You have access to the information I have carefully, over a four year period of time, assembled into a logical, concise Basketball Coaching Bible. You will soon discover it is not for the fainthearted. Basketball and LifeBall are hard games to master, even more difficult to teach others to master.
I stand amazed that at age 23, I had my UAF Nanooks holding opponents to 56 points per game. I marvel that my Samford Bulldogs had Tennessee at Knoxville on the ropes until a tough call turned the tide. I still reflect on our four Athletes In Action teams being able to beat the likes of Kansas State who was 14-0 at home, Washington who was coached by legendary Tex Winters and Phil Jackson, and USC in the L.A. Sports Arena.
I confess it was not until I was away from D1, coaching 4th to 12th grade elite boys and girls teams, did I really learn to coach. As UCLA, NCAA Championship Team coach, Jim Harrick once told me, “It is amazing how much you learn about coaching after you leave coaching.” Harrick and I have watched hundreds and hundreds of college and high school practices.
It was not until I had been in basketball for more than 50 years did I really learn to coach the game. Coach Wooden said the same thing. Proof is our NBC Camps Thunder D1 Exhibition Team who played 13 games in 16 nights from Washington State University to Illinois, and from Rhode Island to UCLA. Exhibition teams are not supposed to win. We defeated Illinois by 15, Kansas State was down 35 at one point, Elite 8 Rhode Island got bit by 24 and UCLA escaped as we missed a shot at the buzzer.
You have in your hands everything you need to be a great basketball coach. It is all here from the intricacies of basketball individual skills, to a defensive system of basketball so effective teams with much superior talent become vulnerable, and most importantly the emotional intelligence piece which separates good and great coaches. Best wishes coaches. You have my email and website. As long as I am alive, you have access to me. Don’t hesitate to contact me.
– Fred Crowell
“Friends, no one, I mean no one, has spent more time, effort, and energy than Fred Crowell developing methods to help young people improve their game. He is truly a professional basketball man. He has tapes, videos, and course teachings on basketball. It has been his life, and he has been exceptional at teaching, coaching, and mentoring young players. In my 50 years in basketball, Fred Crowell is the best I’ve ever been around.”
– Jim Harrick; Basketball Coach Pepperdine, UCLA, Rhode Island, Georgia, 1995 National Champion at UCLA
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