27 Things That Changed People’s Lives For The Better



“I stopped caring so much.”

“For as long as I remember, I’ve felt a burden of responsibility to my parents, to my brother, and to myself. Throughout my whole life, my parents have relied on me to be the voice of reason, to be the one who has sound mind, to be the one good with finances, to give them advice. It’s not healthy for a kid to be put under that kind of pressure, and it just built and built until they filed for bankruptcy in 2017, and when I burned out at work last year.

I went to therapy for a bit (for the third time) after I burned out and realized that I’m putting up such a high bar of responsibility for myself, and it makes — and made — my life ridiculously miserable. I’m still working and going to school, but having a more relaxed attitude and almost forcing myself to procrastinate on my schoolwork has made my life so much more enjoyable.”



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