How Much Cardi B Spends On COVID-19 Tests Every Week


“This is seriously a new business.”

You know Cardi B.

Prince Williams / GC Images

Earlier this week, Cardi took To Twitter to share details about how often her and the people on her team get tested for COVID-19 every week.

Twitter: @iamcardib

She didn’t specify whether it costs $250 per person on her team, so if you assume that Cardi and her team are charged that much per round of testing, that means she’s paying $1,000 a week for COVID-19 tests.

Prince Williams / WireImage

That…seems like a lot of money for multiple COVID-19 tests every week!

Prince Williams / WireImage

When a Twitter user made that point, Cardi explained that the price of COVID-19 testing rises sharply when it comes to private testing.

@iamcardib / Twitter / Via Twitter: @iamcardib

Cardi went on to explain that paying for the testing is a necessity because of potential legal necessities — and she also stated that she believes the government should “be paying for healthcare workers we pay out our own pockets.”

@iamcardib / Twitter / Via Twitter: @iamcardib

After another Twitter user suggested that Cardi’s ability to pay for testing was a “luxury,” she clarified that she was addressing “How Covid is becoming a business and if this was part of the plan. How ya getting mad at me because it’s a requirement to get tested?”

@iamcardib / Twitter / Via Twitter: @iamcardib

Cardi also dropped some insight when it came to who’s required to get tested in the entertainment industry and why.

Twitter: @iamcardib

COVID-19 is still spreading across the United States. There are safety precautions you can take in your everyday life to prevent getting or giving COVID-19: wear a mask, practice social distancing, and get tested when necessary. Head to the CDC’s website for information about how to get a COVID-19 test in your state.

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