Are you a young graduate out there battling with the stress and depression of starting your own life, or have someone who is? We have a message for you!
You must admit that this is a stage of life where you have never been before, the stress is of a new kind, the depression is none of the kind you’re used to, and the frustration is very real. In times like this, nothing can surpass the value of good advice. sit back and read a message that may change your life!
What you need to know as a young graduate
1 *Move to a New Place*
if you stay in you school town or home town, it can be difficult to see the values embedded in the world. That’s why my first piece of advice is to move to a new place. This could be for a new job, or it could mean taking some time to backpack and see a lot of different places. It could even go along with an internship or volunteer opportunity.
Regardless, there’s great value in moving to a new place and getting out of your familiar surroundings will expose you to new ideas, people, likewise ways of living. Even if you end up moving back to somewhere familiar, taking a few months away can provide valuable experiences to discuss in a job interview or a personal statement.
2. *Don’t Be Afraid to Live at Home*
Many young graduates often feel like they’ve “failed,” that they’re not truly independent when they live with their parents. There’s nothing wrong with moving back home for a few months (or even a couple of years) while you hunt for a job and otherwise figure out what you want to do next.
it’s a chance to build up your savings. Unless you were exceptionally scrupulous with your finances.
Ultimately, living on your own should be your goal. But while you’re laying the groundwork for that, moving back home can be a smart financial and personal move.3. *Spend Time Networking*
While the saying, “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know” isn’t perfect advice, there’s some truth to it. When you’re competing against the same graduates with perfect GPAs and prestigious schools on their resumes, the best way to cut through the crowd is just knowing the right person.
And to know the right person, you need to get out there and start meeting people. The best way for you to do this depends on your personality. If you enjoy going to formal networking events, then I absolutely recommend it. You get to meet a lot of people at once, and you never know who might be there.
4. *Pursue a Volunteer Opportunity*
Spending a year or two doing volunteer work through an organization has become an increasingly popular way for recent graduates to gain life experience while figuring out what they want to do next.
5. *Consider Graduate School (But Only For the Right Reasons)*
Whether it’s law school, medical school, or even a master’s degree, going to graduate school can be a great way to gain new professional opportunities while boosting your earning potential. But you should only go to graduate school if you have sound reasons.
It’s tempting to pursue a more advanced degree while you figure out what you want to do with your life. However, using graduate school to postpone career decisions is a poor use of your time and money.
If further education will help you earn more and pursue the career of your dreams, then the time and money can be worth it. But think carefully before you commit, and don’t be afraid to take a gap year (or even several years) to work and gain more experience while you decide if graduate school is right for you.
6. *Try Working for Yourself*
So far, I’ve focused mostly on advice that applies if you want to work a traditional office job. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s worth it to look at other employment options. One such option is self-employment.
The popular image of working for yourself involves getting investors and growing a startup. While that can be an exciting, fulfilling path for the right people, working for yourself can also mean freelancing or starting a small online business that you can run remotely.
7. *Just Get a Job (It Doesn’t Have to Be Forever)*
For my final piece of advice, I want you to consider just getting a job. This could be an entry-level job that feeds into your larger career goals, but it could also be a part-time job in the service industry or retail. While this isn’t as “sexy” as some of the other options on this list, it can still be a useful move.
To start, getting a job means you’ll be earning money. If you’re still living at home, this offers a chance to save up the funds you need to get out of your parents’ house ASAP.
And remember: your first job does not define what you do for the rest of your life. You have plenty of time to find your dream job, and it’s unreasonable to expect that it will be the first job you get out of school.
NB: We did not author this message, we are sharing it, as we believe someone out there will benefit from it.
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