Colin Jost Didn’t Plan His Wedding To Scarlett Johansson


“I never grew up imagining my dream wedding.”

“I never grew up imagining my dream wedding, like, this is what I want,” he told Entertainment Tonight. “I imagined my dream partner rather than my dream wedding. There’s a lot of details to it that I just didn’t even consider.”

Jost admitted he was more concerned about making Johansson his wife than picking out the flowers, tux, or venue for their nuptials.

“I was much happier about getting [that] right than any of the other [stuff],” he said. “I don’t pretend to know much about things or have taste in things.”

Jost left all of the wedding planning to the professionals and he doesn’t regret how everything turned out.

“I’m very happy to rely on someone who has a lot better taste and knowledge of things,” the Saturday Night Live writer said. “That’s sort of what I’ve learned in general in my life.”

“I’ve never been like, ‘Oh, should I wear this shirt?” he continued. “I never know, so I [would] always rather someone else tell me.”

The two ended up getting married during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and Jost said his first year of marriage has been pretty great.

“It seems like a good one,” he said. “If you can make it through this situation, it seems like a very good sign.”

Here’s to many more years of Jost and Johansson being together!

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