Aníron” is a song in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy soundtrack. It is the theme for Aragorn and Arwen Evenstar. Aníron means “I desire” in the constructed Elvish language of Sindarin. It is featured as part of the track “The Council of Elrond” on the soundtrack album The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This song does not appear in Tolkien’s writings; it was composed and sung by Enya, and the lyrics were written by Roma Ryan. The song was conducted by Howard Shore and performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra with Enya.

source: wikipedia


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O mor henion i dhu:
Ely siriar, el sila
Ai! Aniron Undomiel

Tiro! El eria e mor
I 'lir en el luitha 'uren.
Ai! Aniron...

[English Translation]

From darkness I understand the night
Dreams flow, a star shines
Ah! desire Evenstar

Look! A star rises out of the darkness
The song of the star enchants my heart
Ah! I desire...

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