19 Beliefs About Brits Americans Have, That When You Think About It, Are Actually Kind Of True


Our words are ridiculous.


We do actually eat beans on toast and we take it very seriously.


Although maybe not as seriously as our love for queues.


We can a bit difficult when it comes to letting people in our friendship circles.


You gotta prove yourself first…by downing seven pints.


But when we do (which will happen), it will become apparent that we are indeed obsessed with “banter.”


And yes, that does mostly mean insulting people.


Our phrases are frankly, quite ridiculous when you really think about it.

Ladislav Kubeš / Getty Images


And I guess our names for things…are quite whimsical.


Grey and rainy is an accurate description of the weather generally.

Natalya Lobanova / BuzzFeed

You get used to it though.


And probably because of this general gloom, we can be quite stern and hate any kind of enthusiasm.

Tenor / Pretty Shows

Sorry if we roll our eyes at you, but it just feels like too much for the setting, y’know?


Our houses are like something out of a storybook.

Georgeclerk / Getty Images


And our pubs are pretty damn nice, too.


Even dodgy ones with carpet.


Which is probably why we’re always in them.

Natalya Lobanova / BuzzFeed

But it’s not what you think (well not entirely). In Britain you can bring your pets to the pub, you can bring your KIDS to the pub, you can even have your granny’s 80th birthday at a pub. It’s a family-friendly place.


We definitely don’t work as hard as our American friends.

Remee Patel / BuzzFeed

But we do work harder than Australia, which is why we all end up moving there at some point.


And yes, we are always going on vacation.

How you lot have only like 10 vacation days and STILL don’t take them all is a fucking crime.


We do avoid the dentist, and whilst we have heard of flossing actually, we just choose not to do it.

Andrew H. Walker / Getty Images

Sorry Neville mate, we know you’ve come a long way now, but remember we loved you just as you were.


We do believe tea-making is an art form that requires great skill and precision.

Jamie Jones / BuzzFeed

Relationships have ended over bad cuppas.


And while we don’t have afternoon tea every afternoon, we do love indulging in one from time to time.

Remee Patel

We like to pay lots of money for sandwiches and pretend we’re posh too ya know?


We don’t often say what we mean right away because we like to sort of kind of go about a situation sort of like right now with this sentence that kind of illustrates the point that I am making but haven’t made yet.


We do love that you love our accents, and yes maybe sometimes we do play up to it…


There’s not much else that’s sexy about us really, so let us indulge in this one thing please.

Are there any other popular beliefs Americans have about Brits that actually ring kinda true? Let us know in the comments below!

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