How to use our platform to sell your music

One of the major challenges artists face is, after production, how and where to sell or promote their music.

There are different platforms like ITunes, Amazon, etc. Those platform are good and popular. But what if you’re a beginner? Most of those platforms require paid registration and other details and you may not have total control over your music selling.

Brightloaded Hub gives you

1. Free registration

2. Advanced sales dashboard

3. Flexible withdrawal options

4.  Free Artist profile promotion

5. Free listing in google

6. Free Blog page to keep your fans up to date

7. Free tools to interact with your fans

8. 24/7 support and more!

Our platform does not charge any monthly or yearly fees. You are only charged service fee for payment processing when your customers pay.

To see a step by step guide to create an artist profile and start selling your music, Visit this page

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