I guess you could say this post is NNSFW (Not Not Safe For Work)?
A little while back, we took a look at a viral Reddit thread that asked, “What’s something you find erotic that doesn’t involve nudity?” These ~sensual~ entries prompted even MORE ~sexy~ responses from our very own BuzzFeed Community! So, here are just a few more of the completely G-rated things that get people in an R-rated mood:
“When someone you like says your name when it’s not necessary. I can’t describe it with words, it’s just so hot.”
“Camaraderie. People who love bonding in big groups of friends. More specifically, I love seeing men get together and bond with each other. I love the positivity!”
“Never underestimate the eroticism of a deep, strong English accent — looking at you, Tom Ellis.”
“Definitely when a man is very enthusiastic to do something with me. Passionate people are sexy.”
“When someone you don’t know very well remembers an insignificant fact about you (like your favorite candy or something).”
“Women who speak my language when it is not their native tongue, because they have an accent and they make cute mistakes.”
“When someone who kind of hides behind their glasses (like if you need to wear them to see, that’s one thing, but some people almost use them as a shield, if that makes sense?) takes them off unexpectedly. Wow.”
“When my girlfriend makes me smell her jumper because she put on a new perfume, and she gets all skippy and excited about it.”
“When I’m at a stop light during mild weather, and a man has his window down with his whole arm hanging out.”
“When girls run their fingers through their hair and it does that flip-to-one-side thing. I just die.”
“When guys wear flattering glasses. I’ve seen people in those horrible frames that look too big for their faces, or like they’re going to fall off at any moment, but when they actually fit? YES. Especially guys in those wire frames.”
“When a woman touches me on the arm, I really love that. There’s no hidden meaning behind it, I just love that they are happy and trusting with me. It really does gladden my heart.”
“When they share something they’re passionate about and you suddenly get to see just how much they know about it. And also how they feel at ease with you enough to be comfortable going into a long-winded explanation, knowing you’ll listen.”
“I’m a lesbian, and seeing a woman in comfortable clothing, where they just look relaxed is mine. Jeans, baggy sweater, and boots — made an effort, but comfortable with themselves.”
“Men who feel comfortable painting their nails for the aesthetic of it, without feeling ‘weird.’ That’s it. That is all.”
“SUITS. Specifically — women in suits. Men look good in suits too, but women look SO GOOD.”
“When a guy puts his arms around me and says, ‘I’ve got you.’ Not in a possessive sense, but meaning he has my back and would be ‘there’ for me, fighting in my corner.”
“When my husband comes up and hugs me unexpectedly while I’m making dinner. I’m usually the one to do this sort of thing because I’m just naturally a ‘physical’ love language person, but when he does it, I know I have specifically been on his mind or he saw me and had to do it in that otherwise mundane moment.”
And finally: “A witty, smart sense of humor. I’m laughing and laugh and — oops, look at that — my clothes just came off.”
Now it’s your turn! Do you agree with these? What’s something that involves no nudity but you can’t help finding a little erotic? Share in the comments below!
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Some responses were edited for length and/or clarity.
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