Winter Shoes With Traction To Prevent Sliding


My fellow BuzzFeed Editor Rebecca O’Connell is a biiiiig fan of these to say the least:

“I hate rain boots. They’re clunky, uncomfortable, and just cumbersome monsters that take up too much space in my closet. And as helpful as they’re supposed to be, I can never figure out when to wear them. It seems like whenever I put them on, the rain stops an hour later and I’m the one doofus wearing rain boots on a sunny day. As much as I’d like to swear off rain boots forever, I don’t really feel like moving to Arizona, and I’m sick of coming home in waterlogged sneakers. That means finding a compromise: waterproof shoes that can be passed off as normal shoes.

But thankfully, I found these Sam Edelman boots on Amazon. The matte boots are subtle and can easily pass off as normal shoes. They’re comfortable, and most importantly, definitely waterproof. I have flat feet so there’s a little extra space between my foot and the top front of the boot, but it doesn’t make walking difficult or painful. They have little tabs on the heels, which make it easy to yank the boots on and off. Finally, I can wake up on a rainy day and not have a minor breakdown trying to figure out what shoes to wear.”

Get them from Amazon for $33+ (available in sizes 4-13 and in 10 styles).


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