“They refused to give us tampons.”
Disclaimer: The following stories are one woman’s experience. They do not speak for all inmates, and prison conditions vary across the United States.
At first glance, one might look at the 31-year-old’s life and see the American dream. But Jessica’s story is far from perfect.
Jessica told BuzzFeed that between the ages of 12 and 23, she battled drug addiction. This landed her in prison for the first time at the age of 17 for criminal sales of a controlled substance.
She served one year in a New York prison, then violated her parole. Jessica was arrested again and charged for three additional felonies: possession of meth, delivery of meth, and possession of a gun. This led to a five year prison sentence in Arkansas.
She’s been out of prison for about seven years now, and is nine years sober. In that time, Jessica has become a full-time YouTuber, received her Bachelor’s degree in Correctional Program Support Services, and is currently working on an autobiography. Her YouTube and TikTok content are comprised of informative videos about her prison experience, drug addiction, and recovery.
Here are 14 eye-opening experiences Jessica has shared on TikTok from her time in prison:
“Prison itself taught me how unfair the system can be,” Jessica told BuzzFeed. “However, it was in prison that I made my decision to stay sober, go to school, be an entrepreneur, and much more. I began believing in myself by working on myself. It is my hope that sharing my story will help those still struggling with addiction, parole, poverty or anything I’ve been through. We are not defined by our past.”
Follow Jessica on TikTok if you’re interested in hearing more stories like these.
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