Cardi B Opened Up To Mariah Carey About Her Insecurities


“You had to have a big butt. So I felt insecure about that.”

Cardi B looks amazing. But when she was younger, she remembers feeling insecure because she looked different than other Dominican girls.

“I’m Trini and I’m Dominican, and there’s a lot of Dominicans that look a certain type of way,” she told Mariah Carey in Interview magazine. “They have soft, pretty, curly hair.”

“Growing up, guys would ask me weird questions like, ‘If you’re Dominican, why is your hair so nappy?’” she continued. “I used to dye my hair, and people used to be like, ‘Oh, your hair’s so crunchy.’ And it would make me feel so weird.”

Cardi also said she didn’t like her body type because she was “really skinny” growing up.

“In the Bronx, it’s about being thick and having an ass, so young boys would be like, ‘Look at your flat ass. You ain’t got no titties,’” she recalled. “And it would make me feel so ugly and undeveloped.”

Once Cardi was 18 years old, she started to get work done on her body.

“Even when I was 18 and became a dancer, I had enough money to afford to buy boobs,” she said. “So every insecurity that I felt about my breasts was gone.”

“When I was 20, I went to the urban strip club, and in the urban strip clubs, you had to have a big butt. So I felt insecure about that,” the “Up” rapper added. “It took me back to high school. So I got my ass done. And then I felt super confident.”

Now, Cardi loves the way she looks and no one can make her feel any different.

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