RIP Toys-R-Us, you were the true MVP of my childhood.
Picture Alliance / picture alliance via Getty Image
This was the first ever little screen we were addicted to and truly the elite of children’s toys. Feeding these guys was our number one priority until the battery died or we enviably lost it. RIP.
Razor Scooter
Razor / Via razor.com
There was nothing quite like flying down a hill on one of these, with no helmet or safety gear in sight — just you, the wind and your limitless dreams. Also, still haven’t felt a pain worse than taking one of these to an ankle while trying to do a trick.
My Password Journal
Amazon / Via amazon.com.au
My sister learnt to mimic my voice and got into my diary, only to read several entries about how I thought she was the worst…so jokes on her. But otherwise, a foolproof protective diary for the ages.
@DeviantArt / Pintrest / Via pinterest.com.au
If you ever saw a group of people huddled on the ground at primary school, chances are, Beyblades were involved. The sight of them spinning further than expected caused uproars like no other.
Picture Alliance / picture alliance via Getty Image
Why did we love these evil looking weirdos? Who’s to say? But they were kind of cute, collectable and, for some reason, all the rage.
Super Soaker
Nerf Australia Official / Via nerf.hasbro.com
The true staple of Australian summer — getting shot with water at high speed in the face with a Super Soaker. For those of us who grew up without a pool, this was a must-have for any summer party.
Polly Pocket
@daphnescorner / Imgur / Via imgur.com
Look, maybe we always managed to lose all the parts to our Polly Pocket sets and maybe they could have given us an extra Polly or two to save some tears, but these were still a must have.
An art case
Catch.com / Via catch.com.au
Whoever got this over the summer holidays was royalty for the first week back at school. Textas would eventually dry out, crayons broke and pencils disappeared — but not before some serious Picasso level masterpieces were made.
Game Boy
Kids these days will never understand the old “blow into the cartridge” solution and that makes me sad for them. They will also never understand the limited games we had available in Australia and how we just had to deal with it.
Sea-Monkeys / Via sea-monkeys.com.au
I still don’t get how these work and at this stage it’s too late to ask. They were an absolute “get” in the golden primary school era and while they never grew into what the pictures promised, we loved them anyway.
Amazon / Via amazon.com
How we all survived swallowing marbles is beyond me. As an adult, I still understand the urge. So smooth and shiny. Also, just a really fun toy to play with.
Eye-Lock Room Guard
Snapdeal / Via snapdeal.com
Did this ad make me beg my parents for an Eye-Lock for months and months? Yes. Did my dad have to break off the Eye-Lock when I forgot the code, leaving my door mangled? Also yes.
Elastic rainbow game
Daju / Via daju.com.au
Sing it with me “England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, inside, outside, inside, in”. This was the upgraded skipping rope we didn’t know we needed. Such a simple toy could provide hours of fun, until somebody eventually got tangled up and broke it.
Yugioh Duel Disk
Ebay / Via ebay.com.au
Somebody out there really found a way to make card games seem way cooler and boy oh boy did they succeed. This was the primo toy for both Yu-gi-oh and cool-looking toy fans.
Baby Born
Ebay / Via ebay.com.au
You could feed it, clothe it and listen to it cry. Apparently it pooped, but I cannot attest to that, my own one only did weird little wees. What a strange toy tbh.
Pokémon cards
Ebay / Via ebay.com.au
Look, no wonder the Pokémon Go craze of 2016 got us all so good, we just wanted to revisit our childhood! To this day I know nothing about Pokémon, but I still collected these like my life depended on it.
Grip Ball
Wahu / Via wahu.com.au
Ever had one of these thrown at your head because you are just so bad at it? Haha, me neither. The sound of the ball being peeled off the board was (and is) pure pleasure. Plus, I wasn’t even that bad. Bring back Grip Ball.
Scoobie bracelets
@anushaajoshi / Pinterest / Via pinterest.com.au
“Can you start one for me?” — everyone to that one girl at school who just knew how to get one of these going. Scoobies were a make or break item of friendships on the playground. We all probably lost circulation in our arm at one point from wearing too many.
Beach cricket set
Wahu / Via wahu.com.au
Upgrading from playing with the esky or bin, to playing with one of these bad boys was phenomenal. If you owned one of these you probably play for Australia now.
Ebay / Via ebay.com.au
Sleepovers at the friend’s house who had Singstar were the talk of the town. It ensured that we would never forget the words to many, many classic hits. To this day, I cannot hear certain songs without yelling “we had this on Singstar” immediately.
Hot Wheels
Carlo Allegri / Reuters
No matter what track you had, Hot Wheels was always awesome. Watching a metal car be catapulted through the air by a plastic track, that was surely going to break in mere weeks, was the pinnacle of childhood.
Care Bears
Ebay / Via ebay.com.my
Never did I ask for a Happy Meal more than the time Macca’s did the Care Bears promo and I just had to get all of them. They were just the sweetest collectable out there — so soft, so caring.
Saddle Club toys
Crazy Sales / Via crazysales.com.au
There is an infinite list of kinda creepy looking Saddle Club toys you may have owned as a child. Be it the weird plush horses, or the demon faced dolls — having them was just…important. I still have my Comanche plush horse because I cannot let go of being a primary school horse girl.
Footy Tazos
Gumtree / Via gumtree.com.au, Ebay / Via ebay.com.au
Whether you were a die hard AFL fan, or just wanted to catch the elusive Benji Marshall — Tazo Footy Cards were a big deal. So much so that my primary school banned them because too many fights were starting over the trades.
And finally, Cabbage Patch dolls
Toymate / Via toymate.com.au
The ultimate collectable. They came in so many outfits, styles and all their faces were as slightly creepy as the next. These are probably somewhere in a garage right now, doomed to be possessed by the local demon.
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